1. What are School Hours? 8:45am to 3:15pm
School gates are officially opened and supervised from 8:30am and students can make their way to the classroom when the first bell is rung at 8:37am. The second bell will be rung at 8:45am to indicate the school day has officially begun. Any children arriving after the second bell at 8:45am would need to make their way to the school office via the Springvale Road entrance to collect a Late Pass.
Please note the Allen Street gates will be locked at 8:45am meaning that if you arrive late at the Allen St car park you will not be able to gain access into the school. We also ask parents who park at the Allen Street entrance and enter the school to please ensure they leave the premises before 8:45am to avoid being ‘locked-in’ and needing to walk around.
To ensure a smooth start to the school day, we kindly request that students are dropped off on time. Arriving promptly helps maintain our daily schedule and supports a positive, focused beginning for all students. Additionally, we encourage you to schedule appointments outside of school hours whenever possible. This will help minimise disruptions to your child’s learning and ensure they make the most of their time in school.
Thank you for your cooperation and continued support in making our school days efficient and productive.
2. Where do parents Park? Springvale Road or Allen Street
Springvale Road entrance is strictly a park your vehicle and walk your child into school. The Allen Street car park can accommodate drop off (between 8:35am-8:45am) and pick up (between 3:15-3:30pm). Please only park within bays and follow the loop.
3. Can parents volunteer? Yes, with a Working with Children Check
The school is very appreciative of the ongoing support we receive from the parent community. We wouldn’t be able to facilitate many events without the parents’ involvement. It is important to note that the school requires all adults volunteering in the school to carry a valid WWCC that can be presented on request (i.e. the physical card).
4. How does the school communicate with families?
The school has subscribed to a digital platform, Operoo to enable parents/guardians to sign forms and safely share emergency and medical data with the schools. Parents should have already received an email requesting the update of their child’s profile.
Class teachers may also communicate class specific information with parents via a different platform named Seesaw.
The school also publishes a weekly newsletter about the latest school news, events, and community information.
We would appreciate it if you could take time to read these messages and diarise as needed.
5. Do we need to notify Student Absences?
Please remember to inform the school if your child is going to be late or away from school.
Teachers generally check Seesaw/email messages just before and/or immediately after school as they are busy teaching during class. As such, it is important to also advise the office of any absences so that the student roll is updated accordingly.
Please email the school office on info@leonardsgwav.catholic.edu.au and Seesaw/email your child’s classroom teacher.
6. What time do the children get a break?
Recess is from 11:00 – 11:30am and Lunch is from 1:40pm – 2:35pm and students have their snack/lunch 10-15 minutes prior to going outside to play.
7. Does the school have a tuckshop?
No, we do not have an onsite canteen/tuckshop but have partnered with Classroom Cuisine to have lunches delivered four days of the week.
Classroom Cuisine makes daily deliveries in time for lunch. Delivery is generally before 1pm so please ensure you pack a snack for recess and fruit/vegetables for brain food.
If anyone would like to read more about this company and the products offered or to place an order, please visit www.classroomcuisine.com.au
8. Does the school offer Out of School Hours Care?
We partner with Your OSHC by @Camp Australia to deliver tailored experiences for children before and after school, on site.
Contact Camp Australia

Before Care 7:00am – 8:35am Mon to Fri
After Care 3:15pm – 6:15pm Mon to Fri