Aspiring to Excellence
In the spirit and tradition of Catholic Education, we aim to provide a safe and caring Gospel based Christian educational environment for the children of St. Leonard’s Parish.
School Motto
The School’s motto, “All my life for God” was established in 1959 and truly reflects our Christian philosophy.
Values & Beliefs
We believe that God is the centre of our faith, life and existence and that our words, actions and curriculum should reflect the teachings of the Gospel.
We aim to provide a learning environment, which is friendly, welcoming and secure, where children, parents and teachers work in unison to support and nurture each individual. We endeavour to provide education resources and physical facilities necessary to enhance this learning environment.
We value each individual within our school community and commit ourselves to assist and challenge them to realise their spiritual, intellectual, emotional, social and physical potential. We strive to contribute to the development of students’ sense of self worth, enthusiasm for learning and optimism for the future.
We acknowledge that learning is a perpetual process that continues throughout one’s life. We offer our children and staff an environment in which learning is embraced and celebrated.
We acknowledge the role of parents as the prime educators of their children and encourage collaboration of parents and teachers in the development of each child.
We believe that teachers are role models who are called upon to provide rich opportunities for students to become effective learners, to develop skills and strategies and to competently manage the different learning disciplines.
We value the rich cultural and social diversity that exists in our society and encourage students’ greater understanding, tolerance and acceptance of others.
We believe that we are called to care for all in our community and support the concept of social justice through our promotion of Gospel values.
We commit ourselves to a learning environment that is technologically and academically progressive by providing the opportunity to experience success in the pursuit of excellence.
We appreciate that our school is an integral part of St Leonard’s Parish community and encourage children and their families to participate and contribute to the life of our parish.