Other Learning Opportunities

St Leonard’s school provides a number of extra-curriculum activities in which students can participate through choice as well as a number of activities that are part of the overall organisation of the school.


Swimming tuition is provided as a part of the Foundation to Year 6 sports curriculum and is compulsory for all students. Qualified instructors at the Waverley Aquatic Centre conduct swimming lessons, which is located 400 metres from the school. The swimming program is run during 4th term as a daily intensive program.

School Camp

Year 5 & 6 students attend an annual School Camp. We rotate the Camps from Camp Rumbug in Foster and Sovereign Hill Camp each year. The purpose of the Camps is to foster stronger relationships between students and their teachers.

Performing Arts Musical Production

The school holds a biennial Performing Arts Musical Concert that involves all students from Foundation to Year 6. It is an opportunity for all students to display their skills and talents in the Performing Arts. The concert is held at the Crossways Centre in the odd years (ie 2021).

Visual Arts Show

The school holds a biennial Art Show that involves all students from Foundation to Year 6. The production is an opportunity for children to showcase their talents in producing both 2D & 3D art. The Art show is held in the even years (ie 2022).

School Choir

The school has a choir that comes together on a weekly basis under the direction of our Performing Arts teacher. The choir s open to all students in Years 1-6.  The choir performs at sacramental and liturgical celebrations and is also invited to perform at local community events.

Seasons Program

Children suffering loss or grief through death or separation can be supported through participation in the Seasons Program.

Elected Leadership

St Leonard’s Year 6 students are elected to a number of Leadership positions. All children in Year 6 are eligible for positions and are elected by their peers.

Buddy Program

The Year 6 and Foundation students are involved in a buddy system whereby each Foundation child is allocated a senior student to be their special friend for the duration of the year. The students will often share mealtimes together, be involved in shared learning experiences and forge strong bonds within the school.

Chess Club

Students in all year levels are able to join the St Leonard’s Chess Club. In fourth term a major Chess Tournament is held for all interested students. The tournament attracts a large of students from Years 2-6. Selected students (12 –16 students) are often chosen to represent the school at the Victorian Chess Titles held earlier in the year. Chess is supported in many classrooms as a component of the Mathematics program.

Swimming Squad

Students from Grades 4- 6 are able to try out for the representative swimming squad which competes in the School Sports Victoria swimming championships in first term.

Tennis Lessons

Students from Years 4 –6 are also able to try out for representative tennis squads which plays an annual tournament against other schools in the district.

Guitar Lessons

All children from Years 3 – 6 are eligible to enrol for guitar lessons that are held during and after school.