School Fees

Fee Structure

The 2025 Fees and Levies will be as follows:


At the end of each year the School Advisory Council examines the existing school fees and associated levies and makes recommendations to the school administration as to the fee structure for the following year. When determining the recommended fees and levies the Educational CPI is used as a guide to ensure we are keeping pace with the rising costs of maintaining the School.

The running costs of the school are met by a combination of Commonwealth and State Government grants in addition to the fees collected by the school. These costs include: salaries; building, equipment and grounds maintenance; light; power and heating; insurance, rates, resource development and capital expenditure including loan repayments.

Student Levies contribute directly towards education costs (with the exception of school camps and the swimming program), which include things such as stationery needs; text books; library books; Maths and Literacy purchases; Technology purchases; art and craft materials; class incursions and excursions; sacramental programs; sporting equipment.

School Fees, Student Levies and Building Levies are payable over 3 instalments, collected in Terms 1, 2 and 3. There is no reimbursement of school fees for families where students are absent from school for a prolonged period due to family holidays as the school is holding an enrolment place open for your child.

Fee Payment

School fee accounts will be sent out at the beginning of Term 1, 2 and 3. Arrangements can also be made to pay school fees by instalments on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis. Payment by instalments can be arranged through the school office.