Prep Orientation Program

The transition from kindergarten to school can be quite daunting for many children. Primarily this is because of the hours of schooling required as opposed to their 4 year old kinder program.

The children do not attend school on certain days in February and we use the time available on these days to invite children to come to the school on their own for a one hour appointment so that we can individually assess each child’s ability in Numeracy and Literacy.

Prep Students – Enrolment and Transition Dates

As part of our Prep transition program we offer a number of different opportunities for children to come along to school during the year before they start school.

The children will be involved in specific ‘getting to know you’ sessions with either our current Prep teachers or our specialist staff. At the same time we have timetabled parent information sessions on a number of topics. We have specific sessions where parents can become more informed about the running of the school and the types of curriculum offered.

Past experience has shown us that these days, while being of invaluable importance to the children’s smooth transition to school, are also often vitally important to many parents as well.

Please note that these days are open to all prospective families. They are not limited to those who have already made the decision to send their child to St Leonard’s.
