Aspiring to Excellence

St Leonard’s Catholic Primary School, Glen Waverley,  is committed to providing a safe and caring educational environment for the students in our care. We aim to provide a learning environment, which is friendly, welcoming and secure, where children, parents and teachers work in unison to support and nurture each individual. We endeavour to provide the educational resources and physical facilities necessary to enhance the learning environment for all students.

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Let’s get wild and stylish! 🌟 It's 'Wear it Wild' day on Friday. It is time to bring the fun by wearing your best nature-inspired outfit that celebrates the beauty of wildlife. Don't forget to bring a gold coin donation to support animals at risk of extinction! Use the link to donate today. 💛✨ #WearItWild #animalprint #costumes ... See MoreSee Less

Stepping back in time at Sovereign Hill! 🏺✨ Exploring history, gold panning and making memories with the best crew. Who knew learning could be this fun? 💰⛏️ #SovereignHill #HistoryInTheMaking #schoolcampadventures #stleonardsprimaryschool #glenwaverley #schoolcamp #primaryschool

Stepping back in time at Sovereign Hill! 🏺✨ Exploring history, gold panning and making memories with the best crew. Who knew learning could be this fun? 💰⛏️ #sovereignhill #historyinthemaking #SchoolCampAdventures #stleonardsprimaryschool #glenwaverley #schoolcamp #primaryschool ... See MoreSee Less

Join us this Ash Wednesday as we begin our Lenten journey together at St. Leonards Church. Lets reflect, repent and renew our faith. See you at Mass! ⛪#ashwednesday #ashwednesdaymass #stleonardsprimaryschool #glenwaverley

Join us this Ash Wednesday as we begin our Lenten journey together at St. Leonard's Church. Let's reflect, repent and renew our faith. See you at Mass! ⛪#AshWednesday #ashwednesdaymass #stleonardsprimaryschool #glenwaverley ... See MoreSee Less

Big buddies, little buddies and lots of big smiles!❤️✨ #buddies #buddytime

Big buddies, little buddies and lots of big smiles!❤️✨ #buddies #buddytime ... See MoreSee Less

Channelling our inner principal to farewell Mr Horwood 👨🏽‍💼👔#principalforaday #sternlooks #glenwaverley #stleonardsprimary

Channelling our inner principal to farewell Mr Horwood 👨🏽‍💼👔#PrincipalForADay #SternLooks #glenwaverley #stleonardsprimary ... See MoreSee Less

At the heart of St Leonard's is the desire to develop the infinite potential of every person.
Years established
Students enrolled
1 :
Teacher to student ratio

We challenge our learners to make a difference in the world, inspired by the Gospel and led by the Holy Spirit to grow in virtue and act for justice and the common good.